Fractional ICT Solutions

Fractional ICT Solutions

Our Fractional ICT Manager / Director service provides businesses the opportunity of having a part-time resource at Manager or Director level, with a wealth of experience and knowledge for a fraction of the price. We provide a flexible service that will fulfil the role of a full time IT Director.

Why would you need this service:

•    You are an over worked FD who has been dumped with the responsibility of IT and want some assistance sanity checking your decisions and creating a stable framework for the future.
•    You are the Head of IT and are so busy undertaking day-to-day operations you struggle to find time to create strategic visions of where IT might add value to the business
•    You may think that a full time IT Director would be over the top’ for a business your size but see the value IT brings to the business and would appreciate a greater understanding and future vision of it.
•    You’re a business going through change and as a result IT is playing catch up and struggling to stay stable and become pro-active

The Fractional ICT Manager / Director service provides:

•    Experienced views on current ICT issues and projects
•    Ideas and innovative solutions
•    Proactively assist in moving ICT strategy forward
•    Challenge habits/culture to champion improvement
•    Add extensive knowledge derived from a wide spectrum of clients
•    High levels of experience in managing supplier relationships
•    Identify and initiate projects to enhance business performance
•    Guidance, steering and leadership in ICT developments and projects
•    Mentoring and coaching for both ICT and non ICT staff