

For the extension Akeeba Backup Professional package version 8.4.0 is available, but it requires at least PHP version 7.2 while your system only has 7.1.33


The mail() function has been disabled and the mail can't be sent.

Project Rescue

We have seen a number of ICT projects that have fallen into a state of confusion and disorder and become ‘projects with Issues’ which need rescued. There are a number of reasons why this can occur:
•    An inappropriate management approach to the project
•    Poorly defined project scope and or deliverables
•    A lack of internal resource and or skills shortfall
•    Incorrect budget / Investment for the delivery of the project
•    An inappropriate IT solution has been selected and the vendor has become overstretched and unresponsive
•    Cultural and political difficulties
•    Inadequate training or the wrong approach to training
•    Change management and communication issues not being addressed

We start with a short and comprehensive review, the methodology includes a review of the paperwork contained within the project file and meetings with various levels in the organisation from stakeholders through to users, together with vendor or implementation partner input.

Our consultants act to solve the issues and have a vast amount of experience in getting the project(s) back on track. They possess the knowledge and skills required to get to the root of problems quickly and create a structured plan to resolve the issues.

ICT Due Diligence

We have the experience to assist companies with their IT and Communications strategy planning and due diligence assessments when you are involved in buying, selling or any aspect of mergers and acquisitions. The investment the company has made in their ICT systems can greatly affect the sale and multiplier.

We work with you to:

•    Review the status of current and planned IT projects and risks of failure.
•    Assess IT governance – including structure, reporting and management, infrastructure, staff, security and controls.
•    Review your targets in order to identify critical day-one and post integration risks.
•    Assist with specific integration and conversion, including communications, infrastructure, voice / data networks and data centre etc.
•    Advise on project management of function-specific IT infrastructure activities.
•    Develop Transition Service Agreements.

Aligning ICT to Your Business

For companies to continuously improve ICT performance, they must manage all the processes, controls and financial rigor of any other business function.  This includes applying the business disciplines of planning, development and measurement to the practical execution of an IT strategy.

We work with you to:

•    Validate conceptual design and controls surrounding people, process and technology.
•    Provide recommendations regarding IT governance, operations and organisation.
•    Advise on application and technology maturity.

System and Solution Selection

Selecting optimal technology to meet a company’s strategic needs can be challenging. We assist companies in evaluating and selecting technology systems by helping management build business cases for new systems define system requirements and manage vendors.

Services we provide include the following:

•    Advise on the selection and evaluation of ICT systems and service providers.
•    Advise on performance of ICT service providers both in-house and third party.
•    Assist with the measurement of ICT performance.
•    Assist with the development of business cases and service level agreements.
•    Advise on funding and commercial management.
•    Advise on managing risk.

Managing IT Investment, Cost and Value

We work with your senior business management and / or ICT management to measure and improve the value derived from IT investments.

We work with you to:

•    Determine if your current ICT investments are appropriate to deliver results the business requires.
•    Develop the KPIs required to gauge future ICT performance or that of a supplier.
•    Optimise the value of ICT spending both in house and external providers.